

Trinity Counseling is located in San Leandro, California and is easily accessible from many forms of public transportation.

13847 East 14th St, Suite 215
San Leandro, CA 94578-2626

Directions to East 14th Street office

by Car

From Highway 580 Westbound...

 Exit 32B for 150th Ave/Fairmont Ave

 At top of ramp turn left onto Foothill Blvd

 Cross Fairmont Ave and turn left onto 150th Ave at next light

 Take 150th Ave to East 14th Street

 Turn right onto East 14th Street until 136th Avenue

 Turn left into parking lot. Trinity is on the second floor.

 From Highway 580 Eastbound...

 Exit 31B for Grand Ave.

 Turn left on Grand Ave

 Turn right onto Sybil Ave to Bancroft Ave

 Turn left onto Bancroft Ave to 136th Ave

 Turn right onto 136th Ave, cross East 14th Street into parking lot

 Trinity is on the second floor.

Trinity Counseling Center is located in suite 215 on the second floor.

 There is one elevator at the front of the building and another at the back entrance.

 Staircases are toward the back of the building on either side.


Get off at BayFair Station
 Board the 10 bus
 Get off at San Leandro Hospital
 Cross road to 13847 East 14th Street
 Trinity is on the second floor (use elevator or stairs), suite 215
 For return trip...
 Board 10 bus right outside building
 Get off at BayFair BART Station

Get off at San Leandro Station
 Board the 10 bus
 Get off at San Leandro Hospital
(OR, Walk south on San Leandro Blvd
Turn right onto East 14th Street) and
 Enter 13847 East 14th Street
 Trinity is on the second floor (use elevator or stairs), suite 215
 For return trip...
 Cross road
 Board the 10 bus
Get off at San Leandro BART Station
(OR, walk north on East 14th Street
Turn left onto San Leandro Blvd to the BART Station)

From San Francisco
 Take the NH bus by itself, or follow the above BART and Bus directions.

by Bus

10 Bus - BayFair BART to San Leandro BART
Runs along East 14th Street and stops outside San Leandro Hospital at 138th Avenue
If going toward San Leandro BART, cross East 14th Street at 136th Avenue and enter San Leandro Medical Arts Building
Trinity is on the second floor (Suite 215 toward back of building)
For return trip...
Board opposite-direction bus at East 14th Street and 138th Avenue.

Other buses that stop within half a mile of San Leandro Hospital include:

40 Bus - BayFair BART to DNTN Oakland (through Eastmont Transit Center)
off board at corner of Bancroft Avenue and 141st Avenue. Turn down 141st Avenue toward East 14th Street, turn right on East 14th Street, cross road and enter San Leandro Medical Arts building 

85 Bus - from Union City Landing to San Leandro BART: off board at the corner of Washington Avenue and San Leandro Blvd. Walk east on San Leandro Blvd, turning right onto East 14th Street. Enter San Leandro Medical Arts Building just past 136th Avenue

89 Bus goes along Bancroft Avenue: off board at corner of Bancroft Avenue and 141st Avenue. Turn down 141st Avenue toward East 14th Street, turn right on East 14th Street, cross road and enter San Leandro Medical Arts building.

From San Francisco
Take the NH bus by itself, or follow the above BART and Bus directions.
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